YOUTUE客户端 FreeTube v0.18.0 Beta 中文官方版

代码部落2023-02-08 23:18 20 浏览
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FreeTube是一款围绕更私密地使用YouTube的YOUTUE客户端,支持Windows、Mac 和 Linux。使用FreeTube您可以享受自己喜欢的内容和创作者,而无需跟踪您的习惯。您的所有用户数据都存储在本地,绝不会发送或发布到 Internet。FreeTube 通过抓取所需的信息来获取数据(使用本地方法或可选地使用 Invidious API)。FreeTube 具有许多类似于 YouTube 的功能,已成为在桌面上私下观看 YouTube 的最佳方法之一。










我们或 YouTube 不会跟踪您的观看习惯


类似于 YouTube 的设计,可以轻松过渡到 FreeTube


FreeTube 是 AGPLv3 许可下的免费开源软件


从 YouTube 导入您的订阅以立即查看您的供稿


在 Windows、Mac 和多个 Linux 发行版上运行





  • Playlists now show a progress bar
  • You can now open up a new window when searching by holding the shift key. Works while clicking on the search arrow or when hitting the enter key.
  • You can now open up a new window for videos and channels by right clicking on them
  • Chapters now display within the video player as well as in a new box to jump around in the video
  • You can now refresh subscriptions, trending, and most popular pages by using the r ke
  • The video player now has improved touch functionality. Double tap the sides to go back / forward by a few seconds. The video player also better responds to touch for playing / pausing.
  • Disable http disk cache and implempent in-memory image cache


  • Fix issue with unsubscribing from the "All Channels" profile
  • Fix issue where the minimize window shortcut wouldn't function when viewing a video
  • Fix an issue where Sponsorblock markers would sometimes not display
  • Video titles now localize properly
  • Fixed an issue where the Invidious list within settings wouldn't update properly when typing
  • Fixed an issue where shortened linked in the description wouldn't work
  • Tweaked the quality selector in the video player so that it doesn't overflow into the fullscreen button
  • Fixed an issue where the search bar would close on mobile when using a virtual keyboard
  • The settings page should resize better for mobile views
  • Fixed an issue where clicking on a channel while holding Ctrl wouldn't open up a new window when on the watch page
  • Fix issue where the Region for Trending dropdown wouldn't populate


  • Comments now show bold, italics and strikethrough formattin
  • FreeTube now uses Electron v21
  • FreeTube is once again using the upstream ytdl-core module for the local API
  • Updated yt-trending-scraper, yt-comment-scraper, and yt-channel-info modules for the local API
    • This fixes the recent channel issues due to YouTube updating their layout
  • Upcoming live streams now show the time remaining until they will go live
  • Binary builds have been reduced in size
  • Number separators should now be properly localized
  • FreeTube now remembers if it was fullscreen when closed and will resume in fullscreen next time you open the app
  • Enabled the Urdu locale
  • You can now prevent FreeTube from automatically fetching subscriptions during the app startup
  • The logic for importing subscriptions has been tweaked
  • Invidious instances that have the API disabled will no longer show up in the instance list within settings
  • The Most Popular tab will now be hidden if the Invidious API is disabled
  • The app menu now has a link to go to the settings page


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