开源RAW图像处理工具 Darktable 4.6.0 中文免费版

代码部落2023-12-22 23:07 20 浏览
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Darktable 是一个非常全面的照片处理程序,可让您在数字暗房中编辑 RAW 图像文件。我们的想法是能够处理您的底片,并以非破坏性的方式轻松返回原始方式。该程序与 400 多种不同的相机型号兼容,让您可以通过无穷无尽的功能完整、专业地编辑您的照片。

在处理照片时,您可以从台式计算机或直接从您使用的相机导入它们。 Darktable 的伟大之处在于它提供了一个完整且可定制的导入系统。例如,它甚至可以让您将一系列照片变成延时摄影,以及其他选项。



  • 在整个工作流程中进行无损编辑,您的原始图像永远不会被修改。
  • 利用 raw 的真正力量:所有暗表核心功能都在 4×32 位浮点像素缓冲区上运行,启用 SSE 指令以提高速度。
  • GPU 加速图像处理:由于 OpenCL 支持(运行时检测和启用),许多图像操作都快如闪电。
  • 专业色彩管理:darktable 是完全色彩管理的,支持大多数系统上的自动显示配置文件检测,包括对 sRGB、Adobe RGB、XYZ 和线性 RGB 色彩空间的内置 ICC 配置文件支持。
  • 跨平台:darktable 在 Linux、Mac OS X / macports、BSD、Windows 和 Solaris 11 / GNOME 上运行。
  • 过滤和排序:按标签、图像评级(星)、颜色标签等搜索您的图像集合,对图像的所有元数据使用灵活的数据库查询。
  • 图像格式:darktable 可以导入各种标准、原始和高动态范围的图像格式(例如 JPEG、CR2、NEF、HDR、PFM、RAF ……)。
  • 零延迟、可缩放的用户界面:通过多级软件缓存,darktable 提供流畅的体验。
  • 联机拍摄:支持某些相机品牌的带有实时取景的相机仪表。
  • 支持的语言:darktable 目前提供 21 种翻译:阿尔巴尼亚语、加泰罗尼亚语、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、法语、德语、希腊语、希伯来语、匈牙利语、意大利语、日语、波兰语、葡萄牙语(巴西和葡萄牙语)、俄语、斯洛伐克语、斯洛文尼亚语、西班牙语、瑞典语、乌克兰语、简体中文。
  • 强大的导出系统支持 Piwigo 网络相册、磁盘存储、1:1 复制、电子邮件附件,并可生成简单的基于 html 的网络画廊。 darktable 允许您导出到低动态范围(JPEG、PNG、TIFF)、16 位(PPM、TIFF)或线性高动态范围(PFM、EXR)图像。
  • 永远不要丢失您的图像开发设置 darktable 同时使用 XMP sidecar 文件及其快速数据库来保存元数据和处理设置。所有 Exif 数据都是使用 libexiv2 读写的。
  • 自动化重复性任务:darktable 的许多方面都可以在 Lua 中编写脚本。
  • Darktable 分为 5 个模块:Lighttable、Darkroom、Map、Slideshow 和 Tethering。这样做是为了方便地对功能进行分组。
  • 一般来说,Darktable 和 Adobe Lightroom 的界面几乎相同,因此切换到 Darktable 时应该没有问题。

darktable 是由摄影师为摄影师创建的。

darktable 是一个摄影工作流程应用程序和原始开发人员。供摄影师使用的虚拟灯台和暗室。它在数据库中管理您的数字底片,让您通过可缩放的灯台查看它们,并使您能够开发原始图像并增强它们。

darktable 在整个流程中以非破坏性方式编辑您的图像。您的原始图像永远不会被修改。专业的色彩管理功能可确保打印过程的保真度,GPU 加速处理意味着您可以使用显卡加快工作流程。



darktable 4.6.0
December 21, 2023
Editing history is now periodically auto-saved (every 10 seconds) while editing images in the darkroom view. The auto-save interval can be changed (via a preference) or auto-save can be disabled entirely (by setting the interval to 0).
A new processing module rgb primaries has been added. This module can be used for delicate color corrections as well as creative color grading. It allows the red, green and blue primary colors to be moved around using “hue” and “purity” controls.
The underlying pixel operation is essentially the same as channel mixing.
In addition, the sigmoid module now includes a new primaries section, which can be used to gracefully handle difficult lighting situations (e.g. LEDs) and tune the overall look of the image. Modifying these parameters can provide pleasing sunsets, improved skin tones etc. This feature can only be used with sigmoid’s per-channel mode and is loosely based on ideas from Troy Sobotka’s AgX and related work in the Blender community. The included “smooth” preset should provide a good starting point for further corrections using this feature.
When working with the liquify and retouch modules, the full uncropped image is now always shown, with any crop indicated by displaying an overlaid rectangle. This allows for cropped-out parts of the image to be used without having to first disable the crop module and re-enable it when finished.
When panning or zooming in the darkroom view, a low resolution placeholder used to be shown until the image was fully recalculated for the newly-visible region. Now, if any part of the previous view is still visible, that part will be immediately shown in high quality, with only the remainder of the image being temporarily shown in low quality until the pipe has finished.
This has been achieved as part of a complete reworking of the darkroom image display, which has also removed some annoying jumps when replacing the low resolution placeholder with recalculated image data, or when switching between full and cropped view (when the crop, retouch or liquify modules are (un)focused).
Performance Improvements:
OpenCL is now initialized in the background immediately after launching the darktable UI, with progress indicated by a series of toast messages. Previously, this was done before the main UI was launched, which could lead to significant delays (sometimes more than a minute) between the user opening darktable and anything appearing on-screen, making it appear as though darktable had failed to start. Note that processing will be slower (since darktable will only use the CPU) until OpenCL is fully initialized.
An OpenCL code path has been implemented for lens correction using embedded correction metadata.
Image display speed in the map view has been increased by 25%.
Export speed has been improved for JPEG 2000 and B&W TIFF images.
The chromatic aberrations module is now approximagely 10% faster when run on the CPU.


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