像素画绘制工具 Pixelorama v0.11.4 中文免费版

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Pixelorama 是免费和开源 2D sprite 编辑器,使用 Godot Engine GDScript 开发,非常适合像素艺术。Pixelorama 目前正在继续开发此软件,因此它缺少某些功能,可能存在一些错误并且需要更好的 UI。



-在 6 种工具之间进行选择-铅笔,橡皮,填充桶,变亮/变暗,颜色选择器和矩形选择-并将它们分别映射到鼠标左键和右键。
-你是动画师吗?然后您来对地方了! Pixelorama 拥有适合自己的动画时间表和“洋葱皮”!
-Pixelorama 具有多层系统!您可以添加,删除,上下移动,克隆和合并任意多个图层!您还可以重命名它们,并更改其不透明度!
-导入图像并在 Pixelorama 中进行编辑。如果导入多个文件,它们将作为单独的动画帧添加。还支持导入 Spritesheets。
-将您的精美艺术品导出为“ PNG”文件。也可以将项目导出为 Spritesheets。
-以 Pixelorama 的自定义文件格式“ .pxo”保存并打开您的项目。
-通过按 Shift 键,为铅笔,橡皮和浅色/深色工具创建直线。如果还按Control键,则可以以15的步长限制角度。
-您可以使用鼠标滚轮进行放大和缩小,然后单击鼠标或按“ Space”键进行平移!
– 键盘快捷键!我们非常确定这对于大多数人来说都是救命稻草。


Pixelorama 0.11.4
Apr 17, 2024
Exporting palettes to png files is now possible.
Progressive Web App (PWA) has been enabled for the Web version.
When quitting, multiple save confirmation dialogs now appear, each for every project that has changes.
Loop through frames when clicking on go to previous/next frame buttons on the timeline.
Make cloned frames only select a cel if its corresponding original cel was selected as well.
All of the timeline buttons now have the same size (24×24).
Memory usage has been greatly optimized when doing operations such as drawing, image effects, selecting, transforming, etc, as the images stored in memory are now compressed.
Fixed memory leak when applying image effects.
Fixed memory leak when previewing layouts in the Manage Layouts dialog.
Attempting to load an invalid pxo file no longer crashes the application.
Tool shortcuts can now work with Control. #935
Optimize canvas drawing by only updating it when the image(s) have changed.
Fix bug where using shortcuts to switch between frames also moved the selection, causing deletions.
Pxo files can now be loaded from the Open menu option in the Web version.
The same frames are no longer being exported multiple times when “Selected frames” is selected, and multiple cels of the same frames are currently selected on the timeline.
Fixed crash due to division by zero when locking two or three ValueSliders, and one of them has the value of 0 and the user attempts to change it.
Fixed exporting selected layers not including the non-selected frames.
Fix bug where images with width or height 1 are being completely cleared by image effects.
Made the color picker not select fully transparent pixels that are not black.
Brushes are no longer being drawn outside the selection, if the selection is outside the canvas.
Bucket “similar color” and “whole selection” modes and image effects no longer affect pixels outside the selection area, if the selection is outside the canvas.
The ellipse tool no longer produces gaps with large sizes.
Fix “visible layers” option on the export dialog producing wrong results.
Random brushes now work again.
Fixed issue where the override.cfg file would be created at the wrong location, if Pixelorama is launched through a shortcut.
The gizmo in the rotation image effect dialog is now accurately following the mouse.
Fixed the size label not being updated on the Export dialog’s spritesheet tab when the direction changes.
The “Export dimensions” label in the export dialog no longer shows fractions as the final image’s size.


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